The Shipping Container Shed Revolution

Tons of properties across America have ancillary storage sheds. For some of us, sheds are a space to get out of the house. For others, they’re an awesome vanity space to show off your tools, shop equipment, and sleek customizations that make for an enhanced working space. Or maybe, it’s simply the most practical way to store your lawn mowing equipment, rakes, shovels, and the kids’ bicycles. 

And, due to the demand for sheds that are durable, made of materials that will last decades, are insulatable, and portable, we’ve seen a large influx of buyers turning to a better storage solution – the shipping container shed. 


shipping container shed storage solution

Benefits of Using A Shipping Container Shed

Using a shipping container as a shed, whether a full container, multi-container shed, or part of one, can provide numerous benefits that you’ll immediately enjoy.


Benefit #1) Made of 14-Gauge Steel that Can Handle Inclement Weather Exposure 

For starters, metal shipping containers are much more durable than wooden storage sheds. Metal shipping containers are typically made with 14-gauge steel, which is durable enough to last for decades, and even longer if you properly care for it. 

The steel body and frame prevent water from soaking into the roof, wall materials, and columns. If you buy a high-quality container, this will also protect insulated walls and your stored items from being exposed to rain water or snow melt.


Benefit #2) Designed to Be Sealed and Lockable

Remember, before a shipping container shed became a hot commodity item, these metal storage units were designed to securely handle storage on a freighter, out at sea. These lock boxes are designed to keep people and unwanted pests out of your space.

This means you can lock them up in your backyard, on the farm, or on the construction site to keep out vandals and thieves. You’ll also prevent the entry of mice, rats, and other rodents. You can more safely and reliably store certain materials in shipping container sheds as a result.


Benefit #3) A Shipping Container Shed is Relocatable and Transportable

These shipping container sheds can easily be transported from place to place depending on where you install them. Their lack of permanence makes them a great solution for companies that need to move sheds from job site to job site.

If using a container shed on your own property, you can find a way to move it around your property relatively conveniently. And, should you need to move to your next shipping container dream home across the state, you can bring your shed with you.


Benefit #4) You can Accessorize A Shipping Container Shed Easily

From ramps to shelving, to custom doors, the shipping container industry is made up of a brilliantly standardized system of sizes that make accessorizing easy. Companies and businesses all across the globe give you access to buy various kits, tools, and appliances for easy and effective installation.


Benefit #5) Easy to Add Shipping Containers For a Bigger Shed

Since a standard 20’ shipping container is a standardized size across the glove, you can conveniently add and join shipping containers together to create larger sheds as you need to add more square footage.

Stack or connect them horizontally as your property requires.


*Please note that this blog does not address the building codes that may be applicable in your location. Before deciding to build a structure with shipping containers, please consult an architect/engineer and ensure that local codes can be met under your plan.

What Can You Use Shipping Container Sheds For?

If you place a shipping container shed on your property, you can easily use it for:

  • Storing gardening or other outdoor tools such as rakes, shovels, and pickaxes
  • Storing vehicles and motorized equipment from cars and tractors to lawn mowers, motorcycles, and bikes.
  • Using the shed as a “man cave” or “she shed” – these are fun getaway spots where you can customize the place to your liking without having to worry about the rest of your home’s décor or theme
  • Doomsday stations – yes, we’ve even heard of people making these into doomsday prepper, secure hideaways

Meanwhile, if you own a business or want to use a shipping container shed for company reasons, you can utilize it for:

  • Storing your bulk products, retail inventory, or tools
  • Storing construction vehicles like bobcats, gators, and forklifts

It all depends on how you want to customize the shipping container shed and what steps you take to seal it against weather and rodents.

Again, though, shipping container sheds are great choices instead of wooden sheds in part due to their durability and resistance against those kinds of issues.


Can Anyone Use a Shipping Container as a Shed?

This leads us to the other big potential downside. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to install a shipping container on your property for any reason. You’ll have to look into the city or county building codes that are applicable to the property in question.

Some states, like Texas and Washington, are a little more friendly on this point than others. They have relatively relaxed building codes relating to shipping containers, and so placing them on your property and building onto them or altering them is easier.

*Do plenty of research before committing to a shipping container shed because of these factors.

Examples of Shipping Container Sheds

Here are just a few ways that folks have been creative when installing or utilizing shipping containers as storage sheds or for other vanity-shed purposes.


Relaxing Studio Pod

Just check out this awesome build! The creator made this shed to carve out a space where he could think, relax, and use recycled materials to benefit the environment all at the same time.

How to create a shipping container shed

Source: Shipping Container Studio


Sea Container Garden Shed

This garden enthusiast and small farmer made a convenient tools and materials shed for employees and volunteers. It’s neatly organized organized and spacious.

shipping container shed ideas

Source: Gateway Containers


Car Port and Two Container Shed Structure

Or check out this creative way to increase storage, but also provide cover for a car or truck. This carport features two shipping container sheds with an installed metal roof covering the gap between them. This is durable, affordable, and clever.

How to create a shipping container shed

Source: Gateway Containers


Your Shipping Container Shed Starts with Rent-A-Container

If you’re ready to store, customize, and fully load a shipping container shed, then head over to our convenient online store. You’ll find different sizes, door layouts, and the best prices on shipping containers for sale near you.


Shop Rent-A-Container!

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